My work is a commitment to honoring the flow of life and every element of it.


I understand that Nature has a flow, regardless of any individual plan and control, and nothing is immutable or static, so my work brings this sense of connection and acceptance that allows a continuous rebalancement  without losing  harmony.

I paint layers over layers, until the work, in addition to being beautiful, is mature and complex.  By using multiple tools and my own natural paints, extracted pigments from beautiful Brazilian stones, I give a new purpose and transform whatever is available into art. And I can affirm that my art has a positive impact not only for those who appreciate it, but for all people involved in the process of making it.

My mission is not only to produce a work that people want to buy because it is pleasing to the eye -  I could achieve that point in just a few strokes. But it would be bold, it would lack maturity and meaning - but to represent a statement of the harmony that lies over the creation regardless of our perception of it.

As in life, my work goes through changes - an unexpected inclusion of a new color, for example - unbalancing and shaking its foundation, but not resisting and allowing a natural flow lead to  harmony in a new and infinitive way.

Everything that is related to the work has to be in accordance with the purpose, therefore, it has a social, an environmental and a espiritual natural positive impact as well as being beautiful.